Mehr zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Nordirland: Erneut Terroranschlag auf Mobilfunksender

Terrororganisation UVF verübt Anschlag

Quelle: Belfast Telegraph, 06.01.2003

In Nordirland ist erneut ein Anschlag auf einen Mobilfunksender verübt worden, nachdem ein anderer Mast erst kurz zuvor angegriffen worden war (Krebshäufungen in der Umgebung). Der Sendemast des Mobilfunkbetreibers Hutchison 3G wurde durch den Terroranschlag ausser Betrieb gesetzt. Der Anschlag geht offensichtlich auf das Konto der nordirischen Terrororganisation UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force), die am Tatort ihre Kürzel hinterliess. Vor wenigen Tagen hatte die UVF in einem Schreiben ihre Unterstützung für die betroffene Bevölkerung angekündigt. Die paramilitärische Gruppe bekundete in einem Statement ihre volle Unterstützung für die Bürger von Harryville für "jedwede Massnahmen, die erforderlich sein sollten, die Errichtung des Senders zu verhindern." Die Terrorgruppe fügte hinzu: "Unsere Freiwilligen werden die Situation weiter beobachten und sich von den demokratischen Wünschen der Menschen in der Region leiten lassen." Die nordirische Polizei hat die Untersuchungen aufgenommen.



Staff Reporter

Terrorists have damaged a controversial phone mast, the latest
communication installation to be targeted in Northern Ireland, it
emerged today.

The UVF was being blamed for making unusable the base of a mast being
built in Balymena. It follows the toppling of a communications mast at
County Tyrone earlier this month, although no paramilitary involvement
is suspected in that attack.

The spectre of terrorism in mobile phone mast protests is likely to
prove an unwelcome development for mainstream anti-mast compaigners.

The Ballymena incident comes just days after the paramilitary gang
issued a statement that they were in support of local people who opposed
the erection of the structure in an industrial estate in the Harryville
area. A loyalist source confirmed: "The base was removed on Sunday
night/Monday morning. "I was told about this at 6.40 am and went round
at first light and a number of the fixing studs have been sheared off at
concrete level and the rest are bent. They are unusable. "A couple of
pieces of cardboard with the words 'UVF' written on them were left at
the scene. "It is safe to say that the UVF carried this out," said the

Last week, in their statement, the paramilitary group said they were
opposed to the mast because the people in the area were against it
because of health concerns. The terrorists' statement had pledged their
full support to the people of Harryville in "whatever meansures they
feel they must take to prevent the erection of the mast." It added: "Our
volunteers will continue to monitor the situation and will abide by the
democratic wishes of the people in the area in the course of their

Work on the mast base started in recent weeks but was halted for the
Christmas and New Year holidays. A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G, which is
erecting the mast, said: I have no comment to make at this stage other
than to say that we have been engaging with residents and councillors in
connection with the overall issue." Police examined the scene on Monday.

The mast is set to be discussed at a meeting between Ballymena Council
and planners this Thursday night. The telecommunications industry says
masts are necessary for mobile phone coverage, for which there is

Mehr zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit